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Novel Asphalt Prediction Model Earns Third Place at Polymer Summit

We are pleased to announce that our laboratory has achieved significant recognition at the 15th International Fiber and Polymer Research Symposium. The ModelingLaboratory, under the leadership of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur ÖZVEREN, has been awarded third place in the Best Poster category for our research titled "Prediction of Marshall Strength in Polymer-Modified Thin-Layer Asphalt Using Decision Tree Regression and Bayesian...

Modeling Laboratory’s Undergraduate Researcher Secures Prestigious TÜBİTAK Grant

The Modeling Laboratory is proud to announce that our undergraduate team member, Ayserin Pelin Yılmaz, has received a prestigious grant from The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK). This grant is part of the 2209-B Industry-Oriented Research Projects Support Program for University Students. Ayserin is working on her senior thesis, "Investigation of Changes in Heavy Oil Behavior through...

Modeling Lab Students Triumph with Innovative Final Year Projects

It is with tremendous pride and satisfaction that we announce the successful presentation of the final year projects of our Modeling Lab students under the guidance of their esteemed supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur Özveren. On June 8, 2023, from 1:30 to 4:30 pm, our students showcased their innovative research, blending complex engineering principles with creative scientific thinking. Perizat Bagytbek Kyzy,...

Celebrating Our Students’ Success at the HIDRO’2023 National Hydrogeology and Water Resources Symposium

We are proud to share that students from the Modelinglaboratory - Yağmur Dalbudak, D. Ozan Kaya, Perizat Bagytbek Kyzy, Berkay Sünmez, Mehmet Ölmez, Ezgi Deniz Yıldız, and Servet İlayda Serin - have successfully presented at the prestigious HIDRO'2023 National Hydrogeology and Water Resources Symposium. This event took place from the 25th to 27th May at the Karadeniz Technical University Prof....

Innovations in Drug Research: Modelinglaboratory’s Accomplishments at International Symposium

We are thrilled to share that our esteemed Associate Professor Dr. Uğur Özveren and his brilliant students from the Modelinglaboratory have successfully presented six papers at the International Multidisciplinary Symposium on Drug Research and Development (DRD) 2023. This prestigious event took place at Izmir Katip Çelebi University from May 4-6, 2023. Yağmur DALBUDAK, Uğur ÖZVEREN, “ANFIS-based Machine Learning Approach for...

Projects of Our Undergraduate Students awarded by TUBITAK

The first two project proposals for our undergraduate students, Ezgi Deniz YILDIZ and Servet İlayda SERİN have received the support of prominent industrial partners, Setaş and Polifarma. These proposals were awarded under the prestigious "2209-B - University Students Industry-Oriented Research Project Support" program, which underscores the importance of bridging the gap between academia and industry. In addition, the other two...

Undergraduate Students Successfully Presented Their Graduation Thesis

6 undergraduate students of our principal investigator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur ÖZVEREN in the 2021-2022 academic year successfully presented 6 different graduation thesis topics (2 of which are supported within the scope of Tübitak 2209-A project and 2 of them are supported by Tübitak 2209-B project). We congratulate our principal investigator and graduate students and wish them continued success.

Congrats to Çağla TANRIVERDİ to pass her defense of MSc thesis

Çağla TANRIVERDİ, one of graduate students of our principal investigator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur ÖZVEREN, successfully passed the defense of her MSc thesis entitled "Hydrogel Based Material Design Using Artificial Intelligence Approach", and became a MSc Chemical Engineer. We sincerely congratulate our principal investigator and our student and wish them continued success.

Study of Our Undergraduate Student awarded by TUBITAK

Halit Orkun ALBAYRAK was found worthy to be supported by TÜBİTAK within the scope of “2209-A University Students Research Projects Support Program” with the project titled “Development of Walnut Shell Containing Polyurethane Composite Material for Removal of Heavy Oil from Water”. We would like to congratulate our undergraduate student and our principal investigator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur ÖZVEREN, and wish...